Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Enterprise Resource Planning Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Enterprise Resource Planning - Case Study Example The suite of integrated applications in this tool assists the business in collecting, storing, managing and interpreting data from a range of business activities including sales and activities, payment and shipping, inventory management, cost and product panning as we as manufacturing and service delivery. ERP in organisations offers an effective and integrated view of most of the core business functions and processes that in most instances happen to be in real-time. It uses common databases that are maintained by an effective database management system. The ERP system is effective in tracking business resources, which comprise of raw materials, production capacity as well as cash among others. It also explores the actual status of the business commitments and how they can be used for the growth and success of the business. This paper examines how the ERP system can be used to enhance effective work practice and performance for Oxfam, an international confederation that comprises of organisation that work to eliminate poverty and social injustices in the world. The world as a social environment comprises of people working and living together for achievement of various goals and objectives. While some people achieve their goals in life, others are often hindered by among other things, poverty and social injustices. This is where Oxfam now comes in, to ensure that poverty and other kinds of social injustices are alleviated and eliminated completely. Oxfam is actually an international confederation comprising of approximately 17 organisations that work in about 94 countries across the world in order to find and affix solutions to poverty and various kinds of social injustices across the world. In all its work and activities, Oxfam’s ultimate goal remains has always and continues to be enabling people in exercising their rights and managing their lives effectively. In

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